ASB Member Profiles 2014

Graham Vidger

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

Making school life better based on my own experiences.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

I have the experience of being a student with ranging interests like most other SAAS students. I have learned from my own frustrations in sitting through Monday Morning Meetings and house meetings. I don’t think there are any real traits of leadership, so I present the experience of a normal SAAS student.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

I am very responsible and committed, so my efficacy at an ASB position should be of no issue.

Ben Gerke

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

I understand the frustrations of most of students and  I want to give what the students want.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

I have played on the varsity basketball team for three years and have learned several leadership skills. I would also like to give back to the school by giving the students what they want.

Shelby Withington

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

To create a safe engaging environment for students in all grades.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

I was freshman class president. I have first hand experience with diversity and being a leader. I have also attended the student diversity leadership conference and there I learned about creating a safe engaging space for students of all ages.

Harrison Reines

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

I want to make next year be great for Seattle Academy’s Upper School. Everyone should be able to have an enjoyable experience at SAAS next year, and I believe I can help make that possible. The 2014-2015 school year should be one to remember, providing both a fun and safe environment for all high school students. My motivation for being a part of the Student Government is to help make sure that everyone continues to feel comfortable at school, which is something that SAAS prides itself in providing.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

I have had the good fortune of being in many leadership positions in the past, many of which I believe will be helpful for ASB next year. I had been on numerous student councils throughout elementary and middle school, which provided me with experience of helping to organize events for an entire student body. In Ninth grade I was the Senior Patrol Leader of my Boy Scout troop. This position was an elected role which is responsible runs the whole troop. This position taught me my bulk of knowledge on leadership. I am experienced in how to organize events, run a functioning organization in collaboration with other leaders, and effectively communicating with people, among other things. I am also on my BBYO Chapter Board, as the Community Service and Judaism instructor to my chapter of Jewish teenagers. I currently serve as one of the House representatives here at SAAS. I have learned from this how to bring together groups of people of varying ages and experiences.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

I am a hard working student, who always stays on top of his work and is very organized. I am also an Eagle Scout, the highest rank in Boy Scouts, which helps teach the recipients the role of leadership, in many different types of environments. I have attended other schools internationally which have utilized a similar idea of the House system SAAS has now, and I think I can help bring some ideas that could really help improve it. I am really excited at the possibility to be on ASB next year, as I think I can really do a lot to make the 2014-2015 year an enjoyable one for everybody at SAAS.

Cole McCullough

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

ASB is where I felt the most comfortable in any extracurricular offered by SAAS. I was disappointed to see the class ASB removed but it only increased my excitement for my eligibility this year.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

I was on Freshman ASB and played an important role in brainstorming and organizing the largest projects, such as class socks, end of the year party, and charity drives.

Michael Trask

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

I have confidence that I can aid the school through this positive experience.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

I am a strong leader when I must be, and do not hesitate to voice my opinion. I am capable and calculating, and I will bring a strong aspect of determination to the position. I plan to facilitate an excellent 2014-15 year, as I will represent a strong junior class.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

Do not forget for an instant my motto; I will ever be on task.

Amit Perlin

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

I am motivated to serve on ASB because I feel there is a lot of changing to the current ASB system that needs to be done. The past few years ASB has not been providing the student body with adequate services. The mere organization of dances and spirit weeks are not enough for our ASB to do. My motivation is to expand the roles of ASB members and make our school better.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

As a student facilitator, basketball player, and fellow student at Seattle Academy, I feel I have knowledge of the leadership and jobs that need to take place at our school. If elected, I hope to first fix the house system. Although many students may dislike the current house system, I feel that the idea is promising and needs some changing. Secondly, I hope to empower the student body by decisions that the ASB and our school makes. Currently students are not very involved in what goes on in the school, and I wish to change that.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

Additionally, I will be running with Dylan Mortimer, Jade Chowning, and Maddie Lee. We ask that you vote for all of us, as we together have similar motives, and have laid out a detailed plan for the work that needs to be done next year.

Julia Delaney

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

Next year will be my seventh at SAAS, and I've had plenty of time to explore different aspects of the school. I've been able to see and experience what seems to work in the community and what seems problematic for my peers. I want to leave a positive impact on the school and student body that has offered me so many opportunities.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

I have participated in SAAS Speech and Debate, Mock Trial, and Youth and Government. I've won two awards for best lawyer and one for best witness in Mock Trial. This year I've been elected committee chair in Youth and Government as well as D2 candidate for Secretary of State. I think I would bring a powerful and persuasive voice to the ASB team when it comes to negotiating with administration. My experience surrounds debate, rhetoric presentation, and servant leadership. Servant leadership is one of my goals if elected to ASB, and something I think is not mentioned often enough in the SAAS community. Servant leadership is the concept that it’s the leaders duty to serve the people that have elected them, rather than hold power over them. I hope to help create a SAAS community where if someone has a problem, they know they can talk to the ASB and that their leaders will be a powerful voice in representing the student body.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

I’m not an advocate for constant all-school/grade/house meetings that seem meaningless. Meetings should serve a defined purpose, and break should actually feel like a break. Time should be used efficiently (coffee) and break time shouldn't become a chore.

Dylan Mortimer

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

My motivation to run for ASB is to have the ability to make meaningful and productive change to student life at SAAS. I’ve served on ASB as long as I’ve been in high school and I’ve looked forward to when I would be able to put myself in the position to make useful reform. I love the culture of SAAS and how it encourages people to be who they are and fosters creativity. There’s no doubt in my mind that I would thoroughly enjoy giving back to the SAAS community through leadership and dedication.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

I have served on the Judiciary Committee, been involved with 10th grade ASB, been an ASB House Representative, and been a Student Facilitator. As a member of next year’s ASB I would hope to, along with my running-mates, outline the actual power and responsibilities of ASB and the Administration by drawing up a Constitution for student government. Additionally, my running-mates and I came up with the idea of splitting up ASB House Reps into committees such as legislative, school spirit, and judiciary. We would like to improve the utilization of other members of ASB by letting them have a voice in issues and events that they really care about. One more thing that I personally would like to improve is the cohesiveness of houses. I want to put in place better ways for older members of houses to use their experience and knowledge to mentor and lead underclassmen. I think that the house system is a great way to connect the separate grades and if altered a little bit could very effectively provide younger students with leadership that I know I needed when I started high school.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

I am running with Jade Chowning, Amit Perlin, and Maddie Lee. Our dedication to genuinely bettering student life at SAAS can be demonstrated by the amount of thought and preparation that has gone into our campaign. We came together late last spring with ideas of improving things and making SAAS a better place for all of us and ever since we have been meeting and discussing our plans more regularly. Whatever the results of the election may be, all four of us are extremely dedicated to doing what we can for the SAAS community regardless of what position of power we do it in.

Jade Chowning

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

Ever since my freshman year, I’ve wondered why ASB is so disconnected from the student population. I care deeply about the SAAS community and I think we deserve a legitimate, representative student government. I would like to serve on ASB because I want to make sure that student government is accountable to the student body as a whole. In doing so, I’d hope to translate student concerns into meaningful reform for the school.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

Some of my experience: I attended to The School for Ethics and Global Leadership in Washington, D.C. during the fall semester, I currently serve on our state’s Legislative Youth Advisory Council, I’ve been involved in Youth and Government for three years and have been elected D2 candidate for Governor, and I’ve been a yearbook editor for two years. However, I think my skills speak better to my qualifications for ASB; I’m responsible, practical, hard-working, and (most importantly) effective at getting things done. My primary goal for ASB next year is to turn the system into one that is reliable and receptive. Other changes should follow based on what the student body wants. Personally, I’d like to see a more transparent disciplinary policy, a better-run (or completely reformed) house system, and a streamlined system of communication between students, ASB officers, and the faculty.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

I’m running with the team of Dylan Mortimer, Maddie Lee, and Amit Perlin, who all share my goals for next year’s ASB.

Suhail Singh

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

I wish to serve on ASB because I think it’s extremely important to unite all the students of SAAS in a positive way. I want them all to imbibe school spirit and really have fun doing so. I want all the students to go to the varsity sports games, musical concerts, the visual arts exhibition, or the robotics symposium. An appreciation of talented students is both encouraging and motivating. I would like to bring this affirmative spirit to my SAAS peers serving on the ASB.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

In many group projects, I tend to always be ‘that guy’ who ends up leading the group and making sure that all of our tasks are done. I am also very creative and can be very helpful during ASB meetings in coming up with ideas for Monday morning meetings and so on. I also happen to be the president of Kare4Kids for Seattle Children’s. I have gotten many members from my community by going door to door. We currently have raised over $25,000 for Seattle Children’s.

Max Schoenfeld

What is your motivation for serving on the ASB?

There are many factors contributing towards my desire to become a member of the ASB Leadership team. Having said that, my primary goal and reason for running is to maximize student happiness at SAAS. I want the SAAS community to be a well-oiled machine which produces an optimal environment for student happiness and productivity.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

Throughout my high school career, I have participated in many extra-curricular activities which have provided me with leadership skills. In terms of sports, I have played three years of varsity tennis (two of which I have been captain), three years of varsity lacrosse (my first two years my team placed second in state), and one year of varsity wrestling (which I hated, and am never trying again). Through juggling school and sports, I have honed and toned my work ethic and team-work. More importantly than sports, are my other extra-curriculars, which have provided me with an outstanding ability to effectively communicate and work with other people; Speech and Debate, Youth Legislature, Youth Grantmaking Board, and customer service at the Space Needle have all helped me immensely.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

Seattle Academy students, I want to fill a clear role in our ASB Leadership team. I want to be that dude you can chat with in the hall about your favorite Mexican restaurant. I want to be that person you can come to for advice. I wish to be that ASB member who will talk to any of you who have new ideas which can benefit other SAAS students and/or the SAAS community. I wish to be the ASB member who can bridge the gap between students and administration, taking your ideas and giving them juice with the people who make the decisions and write the checks. This is your school. If you have something to say, it should be heard. In my opinion, the point of the ASB is to make you, the students, as happy as possible. I will do my very best to fulfill that role.

Audrey Thomas

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

This year we have experienced a lot of change in how our student government functions. I feel that while change can be good, we cannot change just for change’s sake. I’ve heard from many of you that frustration exists within the house structure. I want to work together to reshape the ASB to stand for inclusiveness, improved communication and personal accountability. As I collect your input, we can begin to build our platform together. We need to move to something better. To do that, we need to build an inclusive environment. At each grade level, we have different challenges and concerns. I think we should create forums utilizing Survey Monkey or Poll Anywhere. We can find out anonymously what concerns exist within the student body as a whole and by grade. Getting your input will ensure that you are part of the conversation which will define our strategy to make things better. We have to build a sense of community. At the core of community is a shared experience and transparency. We can create a Facebook page specifically for the use of our student body where we can post results of surveys and the milestones for each of the items we identify together. We can use crowd-sourcing to help prioritize our efforts to take action on the things we collectively care about. No one can truly promise specific outcomes until we hear from you. We need to hear from the incoming sophomores, juniors and seniors. We have yet to understand the range our ASB can stretch to implement change. I can promise you that together we will push the limit.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

I was sophomore class president last year, and our ASB team worked hard to create community service events, extra school activities, and a saas smoothie shack where we made smoothies to support and lower winter ball tickets. These are just a few of the things we were able to achieve in the school year, and I am hoping that with your help we can do similar things, but more than that use our power as ASB representatives not only for dances and school functions, but for important issues going on around saas. I strive to advocate for you, the students, and am prepared and honored to work with and for you. Together we will work to create a safe and empowering environment.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

To make things better, we need everyone to participate. I aim to instill the values you hold important into our ASB system so that those values continue to grow throughout the underclassmen’s high school career into their years as upperclassmen. We need to put the needs of the larger group ahead of any individual’s goals. I’d like to serve in ASB next year as your advocate.

Maddie Lee

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

For the past three years, I have seen ASB led by four separate and independent members of the SAAS community—each with their own goals and ambitions as to what ASB is/should be about. While individually all of these people have been outstanding, the ASB unit as a whole has never seemed to make a significant impact on the student body as a whole. With all of the talent SAAS students have, I think ASB has a lot of potential to have a more powerful influence on the community and to really bring people together.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

As a sophomore, I was involved in grade-level ASB and have served as a Student Facilitator. I am also heavily involved in the Speech and Debate team, and have personally experienced the positive effects of having strong relationships with upper and lower-classmen. If I and my running mates were elected to next year’s ASB, we would would hope to accomplish bringing a stronger sense of unity to the SAAS community and allowing everyone in the upper school to make sure they feel like they are involved and engaged in the school. We hope to accomplish this through first, drafting a constitution to define the positions involved in ASB and to more strongly outline what is involved in being a part of student leadership—as of right now, the positions seem arbitrary, and from experience, I know that a lot of the problem with ASB is no one knowing what their position entails. We would also hope to establish committees consisting of people from all houses, some of which would be the legislative, spirit, and judiciary committees. Ultimately, this would allow for passionate people to show their own personal strengths through student government, rather than having a lot of people in one room trying to decide how to plan dances. Additionally, I see a lot of potential in the house system, and would hope to be able to maximize the good that comes out of this system. As of now, it seems like the majority of students either don’t like the house system or don’t know why it exists, and if elected, I would work hard to make the house system an effective tool through which people could meet members of other grades and truly feel involved. So much of being involved is having effective communication, and I would like to see ASB having open communication with the rest of the school in terms of what everyone wants and the best way to accomplish everyone’s goals—together.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

Myself, Jade Chowning, Dylan Mortimer, and Amit Perlin are running together in hopes of all four of us being elected. We have been discussing our common goals for ASB for months now, and are all on the same page in terms of where we see ASB going and how we can play a part in helping it get there. We all love SAAS and the opportunities it has afforded all of us across a wide span of clubs and teams, and would be honored to have the opportunity to positively affect the student body as it has affected us.

Mike Bartell

What is your motivation for serving on ASB?

I have long served the SAAS community and see this as the time to step up and give a greater contribution to the student body.

What leadership skills/experience can you bring to next year's ASB and what do you hope to accomplish in this position?

There are a couple of things that I offer when talking about what I bring to the table and what I want to do. The first thing is that I have been the only treasurer the class of 2015 (current juniors) has ever had; I have an extensive knowledge of money and how to appropriately budget it. This puts me in a unique spot of having the most experience of any candidate. This means that I know how to navigate the administration for your benefit. I am also a student facilitator so I not only have had the opportunity to see what are the issues affecting the junior class, but also the freshman and sophomores as well. This year in ASB I want to accomplish three things. The first is to work with the administration in reforming the fledgling house system. As students we have seen firsthand what has and what has not worked in the system. The second is to try to get something like a food trucks to come to SAAS. We have a great range of options for lunch in the Capitol Hill neighborhood and with the addition of the school lunch, but I still feel bored of the food scene sometimes. That is why I would make it a priority to get interesting and good food to park outside our doors and be able to serve us food we do not have in the community. The third and final issue is our buses. When we come to a sporting event and I see University Prep with cooler buses than us, all I can think is that we can do better than them. We have a plethora of talented and artsy students so why do we not have a bus/s that reflect that? I would want to make something where SAAS kids are able to design and pain the bus/s the way they would want. This could be made into something like a spring days elective.

Is there any additional information that you want to share with your peers?

This may sound EXTREMELY cheesy, but if you do not vote on the day of the election than there is no input from you on what SAAS should/can be over the next year. Don’t vote because people are running together, or solely based on your friendship with the candidate, but rather what they could actually bring to the group of leaders who represent the Associated Student Body (ASB).