No one can deny - Winter Ball 2016 was a smash hit! With over 300 hundred tickets sold for the event, students brought their finest looks to Axis Pioneer Square - a venue some would say is our most mature and upscale to date. Whether you were dancing, taking photos, or snacking on those yummy lemon bars - I had three - everyone came out to have fun and look their best. Here are some of the most popular fashion choices of the night:

Stella Esensten-Cicon ‘17 right, rocking a black velvet, shift inspired dress while laughing with friend Else Ratzliff ‘17

Clara Cimino ‘17 left, striking a more serious pose in red velvet, with joking friend Jayden Lamb ‘18

Kate Sieler ‘18 right, posing with date Ben Gode ‘18, wearing a black velvet halter-strap dress

Adrian Valentine ‘19 center right seen in a sharp velvet suit jacket, pictured with freshman friends Rachel Ada Galanti ‘19, Zach Everts ‘19, and Natalie Parker ‘19

Coco McNeil ‘17, posing with friend Deanna Faour ‘16, in a deep-red velvet gown and black shawl

Erin Devereaux ‘17 left, wearing a velvet, long-sleeve romper with friend Molly Boyce ‘17

Sophomores Livia Paschke ‘18 and Emily O’Donnell ‘18 seen posing in lace dresses

Seniors Priya Gopal-Walker right and Molly Thomas center right both seen in lace outfits. Pictured with friends Madolyn Laurine ‘17 and Haley Pirio ‘16

Elizabeth Moore ‘16 left seen with friend Kate Swan ‘16, wearing a lace, capped-sleeve dress

Sam McGraw ‘17 left smiling with date Yale Warner ‘16 in a long-sleeved, lace dress

Audrey Kennefick ‘17 right pictured with date Griffen Orser ‘17, wearing a red shift dress with lace collar accents

Lily Staton ‘18 right, seen here in a black, shimmery shift dress alongside friend Livia Paschke mentioned above

Ella Meyer ‘18 left seen here with her date, wearing a blue shift dress with lace collar accents
photo credits to The Snap Bar at