Wednesday, January 11, 2017, was Jazz Night at Seattle Academy. Three separate groups of students, ranging from 6th through 12th grade, took the stage in the Orvis Theatre to perform eleven songs, led by their conductor and teacher Matthew Frost. The Middle School Jazz Combo performed the first three, Jazz Ensemble II the next three, and Jazz Ensemble I ended the night with five songs. These students worked very diligently in preparation for their time in the spotlight.
It takes a lot of work to perfect a piece of music. Not only is class time dedicated to rehearsals, but students are also expected to hone their skills outside of school. As Frankie Tonina ’20, a student in Jazz Ensemble I, puts it, “We had to practice at home to accomplish our greatness.” And greatness they did accomplish.
But, simply learning to play one’s part in a song turned out to be just the easy part. “You can master your individual instrument, but playing together is the hardest part,” says Alli Wicklund ’20. These bright students pulled it off, however, much to the audience’s delight. Many songs were interrupted by rounds of applause, as proud parents, teachers, and students clapped loudly for their children, students, and classmates.
Unfortunately, this performance will not be put on again. In the spring, however, there will be another concert, so hurry up and mark your calendars for March 14 at 7 p.m.