Winners of the Cardinal's Fall Raffle

Winners of the Cardinal's Fall Raffle

Mireya Grey ‘17 (left) and Avidan Baral ‘18 (right) were the winners of the Cardinal Fall Raffle. Mireya won the Twitter section of the raffle and Avidan won the Facebook section. Both winners got a $20 gift certificate to a local business of their choice. We asked them a few questions about their choices and their experiences with the Cardinal. Here are their responses.

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Halloween Special - Weekly Fashion

Halloween Special - Weekly Fashion

As our last Almond Joy slowly begins to mold and our teeth still bear a blue stain from eating one too many skittles, Seattle Academy students come down off their Halloween sugar high and get back to work. Students and teachers alike took the opportunity to show off their spooky school spirit with some of the most creative costumes I have ever seen, from a life size cookie to 80’s disco dancers.

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