Students in Ali Stewart-Ito’s Honors American Literature class were asked to create a graphic vignette that makes visible someone, something, or some intangible concept that has been “disappeared,” or is otherwise “invisible.” Here is Mimi Reed 16’s vignette addressing homelessness.
Read MoreSAAS Life
Special Olympics - April CSO Event Recap
A recap of the April CSO Event. The event was with Special Olympics Unified Sports and focused on the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in sports. Included is a reminder of the CSO bake-sale on Wednesday, May 13th through Friday, May 15th at lunch.
Read MoreASB Candidate Statements 2015
Candidates for ASB were asked to write a 300 word statement that includes; your leadership experience, motivation for being in ASB and what you hope to accomplish in this position.
Read MoreFaces of QSA, Part 1
Stella Esensten-Cicon '17 photographed and interviewed several members of SAAS's QSA organization.
Read MoreThe SAAS Coding Challenge
Coding is an important aspect of SAAS that is often uncelebrated. This year, Gary Anderson (math/software development teacher) is adding something new to engage Seattle Academy’s coding fans: the SAAS Coding Challenge.
Read MoreEnter the Cardinal’s Playlist and Short Story Contests
Over the next several weeks, the Cardinal will be holding two contests, a playlist contest and a short story contest. Eight winners will be selected to receive prizes.
Read MoreSurvive the Streets - November CSO Event Recap
For the November event, Isa Kaufmann-Geballe ‘15 and Jordan Feinstein ‘17 planned with Survive the Streets to have volunteers help out at a charity center over Thanksgiving break.
Read MoreWinners of the Cardinal's Fall Raffle
Mireya Grey ‘17 (left) and Avidan Baral ‘18 (right) were the winners of the Cardinal Fall Raffle. Mireya won the Twitter section of the raffle and Avidan won the Facebook section. Both winners got a $20 gift certificate to a local business of their choice. We asked them a few questions about their choices and their experiences with the Cardinal. Here are their responses.
Read MoreAn Interview with Mike Cimino
Before I started working here, I was working at Starbucks, where I worked with English teacher Alison Ray. I did hundreds of shows as an actor, but it was difficult.
Read MoreHalloween Special - Weekly Fashion
As our last Almond Joy slowly begins to mold and our teeth still bear a blue stain from eating one too many skittles, Seattle Academy students come down off their Halloween sugar high and get back to work. Students and teachers alike took the opportunity to show off their spooky school spirit with some of the most creative costumes I have ever seen, from a life size cookie to 80’s disco dancers.
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